Genesis 6:6 ESV And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.
Sin grieves the heart of God! As I was reading through my daiy Bible reading this morning I was struck by this verse in Genesis chapter 6. The Lord regretted that he made man. WOW! I know I have read that verse a hundred times, but today it really spoke volumes to me. Maybe it’s because of the times we are in. Maybe it’s because I realize my own sin grieves the heart of God. Or maybe it’s simply because God wants to remind me that sin is a destructive force in our lives and only leads to death.
This past week, Argentina became the largest Latin American country to legalize abortion, defying public opposition from Pope Francis as well as from the nation’s Catholic leaders. Thousands of people celebrated in the streets over the new law that allows people to leagally kill their unborn children. And this is one of hundreds of stories worldwide that reflect our desire to sin and celebrate it.
In the book of Romans we are reminded of the decadence of our world. Paul, in chapter one, says that since man doesn’t ackowledge God, He gives us up to a debased mind which leads to all forms of evil. And worse yet, not only do those who ignore God perform evil acts, they support and encourage it in others. (Romans 1:28-32)
Thankfully we have a gracious and loving Heaveny Father who has made a covenant with us through his Son Jesus Christ. Though He may look at all he has created and see how messed up we are through our sinful acts, He has promised us a way of escape through Jesus Christ. Though we are a sinfull generation, we are able to be right with God by confessing our sin, repenting from our evil practices, and turning our life over to Jesus. When we do that we are right with God and promised eternal life with Him.
Digging Deeper:
Genesis 6; Romans 1
Apply It:
Does the sin in your life concern you? Are you grieved over it to the point of doing something about it? In this verse from Genesis we see that sin greived God so much at one point that he decided to destroy all mankind. That’s a pretty serious issue! Turn from your sin today and confess it to the Lord. If you support those in sin, encourage them to repent and seek forgiveness in Jesus Christ. If you are on the right path with the Lord, call someone today that you know needs to turn from their sinful ways and pray with them to do so.
Lord, please forgive me for my sin. I turn from my old life and ask you to make all things new. Help me today to have the strength to walk in purity and righteousness and I seek your holy face. I want you to be the center of my life and I know that sin will keep that from happening. Guide me and keep me I ask in Jesus name…
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