The Importance of Faith

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Faith – A firm conviction that produces a full acknowledgment of God’s truth; a belief and hope in God and his Word in response to the message of salvation (see John 1:12). Having a certainty in what you hope for even though you may not be able to see it (see Hebrews 11:1-40). – New Believer’s Bible Glossary

Faith is a fundamental characteristic in all believer’s lives. It is paramount when it comes to having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Awhile back I was sharing my faith in Jesus with a co-worker who was well versed on the scriptures. He grew up reading his Bible and going to church and felt like he knew God. He didn’t however believe he could have a personal relationship with Him and told me it was because he lacked faith. He informed me that he wanted to know God the way I did and have a relationship, he just couldn’t muster up the faith to bringing himself to believe Jesus was actually who he said he was. So what is this Christian faith and why did I have it and he didn’t? That question stirred inside of me for days and I still ponder it from time to time.

Faith is a gift of God’s grace. It is established and measured out by Him (Rom 12:3). The writer of Hebrews (Heb 12:2) tells us that Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Faith is the only way in which we are saved. Ephesians tells us that we are saved through it, not because of it. (Eph 2:8)

Today is a good day to remember that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Many religious people think that getting right with God is the way to salvation and it must be attained through their good works. I have encountered people who think that they need to “have it all together” before God will accept them.

Jesus came to reconcile sinful man to a righteous and Holy God. There is nothing we can do to earn our way to Him and it can only be received through faith in Christ. We can not earn it and we don’t have to have everything right in our life before we receive.

If you are sitting on the fence today and haven’t given your life fully to Jesus Christ because you lack faith, I encourage you to respond to Him right now. Pray that He will give you a measure of faith that allows you to see Him more clearly than you have ever seen Him before.

Praise God today for giving us His Son.

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